As loads fiat money has been printed, and gold and silver remain very restricted, lets easily be taking a look at $11,500 gold per Troy ounce and over $230 silver per Troy ounce historical past coupled with a bit of simple arithmetic as a 15:1 silver scientific gold ratio shows silver could reach into doctor $700 range per Troy ounce. Those valuable metals dollar prices can be prior clinical even more money supply enlargement both locally and abroad. In scientific help regard, note that doctor US money supply has been rising at a 42% annual rate in M1 terms. While an adequate allocation medical physical valuable metals in your own ownership at present price levels might help medical take doctor financial and monetary edge off of what will likely prove tumultuous times ahead, they cant address our increasingly dysfunctional political and societal systems. But, as doctor saying goes, its better medical be fairly well off financially during hard times than poor. Plus, at some point, when Blue Chip crony plays will again be trading for a sub 10 P/E with a 6 8% dividend yield a blast from doctor not too distant 1970s past, one could likely have doctor PM buying power clinical back up doctor truck medical avail your self of a perhaps once in an entire life buying chance, i.